Saturday, April 30, 2011

Planet X (Niburu or Nemesis) and June-December 2012

I love conspiracy theories. I love talk of Alternative Science. It's the science that the government "doesn't want you to know".  Actually, true or false, it is important to look at alternative views. It's how we got space flight, airplanes and a round Earth.  They take us off the everyday grind and make our minds whir.  And just for an instant, its not just the stuff movies are made of, but could it be possible, could it be real?

I have taken the liberty to reprint a very good description of the story of Planet X (Nemesis), because frankly it takes a Alternative Scientist to explain it. I am reprinting a post left on the website from a poster named only as Bill. Bill, you're one smart guy and this credit goes to you!  I did clean up some grammar. Sorry, Bill.  Here it is in all its tantalizing detail:

"The reason for not announcing Planet X (Nemesis) it is due to religious beliefs and fear it would cause the world to go into panic. It was discovered by NASA’s IRAS spacecraft, first capturing infrared images of it back in 1983. It was announced on Paul Harvey News as a possible 10th planet and our government realized the implications of this incoming body which has its unique elliptical orbit around two suns.  (Our Sun has a dead companion known as a brown dwarf).

It has turned into a national security issue. Our government knows and is afraid of panic. The whole story of Planet X, (Nibiru), one of many names for Planet X comes from ancient clay tablets dating to 4,000 BC, describing a 10th planet and the life on it. They were called the Anunnaki, which means in the Sumerian language “they who came from heaven to Earth”.

The Sumerian lands are where IRAQ is now. Ancient Sumer was the first civilization on Earth (to date). It was ushered in by an alien race called the Anunnaki. 

(Editor's note: The Anunnaki were from a planet called Tiamat, which orbited our Sun between Mars and Jupiter. It was destroyed upon collison with a moon or body after Tiamat's orbit was disrupted by Nemesis in a past orbital visit, and the debris from Taimat's destruction formed our Solar System's asteriod belt)

The Anunnaki taught the Sumerian people music, sciences, astronomy, languages (both spoken and written), mathematics, dense agriculture, manipulation of the environment, crop genetics, genetic manipulation of livestock, religion, sexual promiscuity, war, mining for resources, jewelry-making, tailoring, blacksmithing, architecture, art, poetry, human sacrifice, and the whole gamut of “civilized behaviors.” In fact, these events are not only outlined in the writings of the ancient Sumerians, but also in the Bible, the pseudopigraphia of the Hebrews [1] and the ancient texts of the Hindu.

The word Niburu means "bright star". It has a history or else I would dismiss all this as BS. These Anunnaki were giants, 8-10 feet tall. They used Earth's inhabitants to dig for gold they needed for their atmosphere. I believe in UFOs and the possibility that these aliens were the cause of most all religions. This is what our government is afraid of us finding out: the real truth.

I have been studying Planet X’s history on, ,and, for 5 years now. Planet X orbits two suns about every 3,657 years and is in our solar system now. It is 4x the size of Earth and has a mass 23x that of Earth’s. Planet X has many names from most countries; the most common name is Nemesis. This is what’s causing Earth's changes and the disasters we're seeing today. Our planet weighs nothing in space and any magnetic disturbance will have disastrous affects on Earth's weather and tectonic plates (earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. Planet X caused the Great Flood of the Bible, as a pole shift melted the polar ice caps. It was the cause of the sinking of Atlantis into the sea. This coming pole shift will be worst the Earth’s outer crust has yet seen. The poles will rotate 90 degrees because the Earth will line up with Nemesis as it crosses our skies.

The Bible calls Planet X (Wormwood).

The Incas called Planet X (Hercolubus),

The Babylonians called Planet X (Marduk),

The Egyptians call it (The Destroyer),

The Hindu astronomers call it (Treta Yuga) and the destruction it causes Kali Yuga.

So it has a history which makes it real to me. Almost every time it comes into our Solar System it affects the surface of every planet it crosses. It’s coming in from our blind side (sun side). There seems to be a Government cover-up on this subject matter. Why? Do they fear panic? We must warn people for survival them a fighting chance to survive it.

To summarize what I’m saying here: I was inspired by the 50 years of work done by Zecharia Sitchin who translated the ancient Sumerian texts written 6,000 years ago. 

(Editor's note: The Sumarians had a knowledge of Astronomy, as shown in the tablet below, that far exceeded their other advances in knowledge. Even today, NASA is just now confirming with modern technology many of the descriptions of our Solar System the Sumerians had made over 4,000 years ago. )

The Dark Rift (the Equator of our Galaxy) is coming on 12/21/2012. It will cause a polar shift on Earth. This Dark Rift comes about every 25,800 years. At the Equator of our Galaxy is an extension of the Black Hole of our Galaxy. The Black Hole pancakes out from the center of our Galaxy; like an old black vinyl record where the turntable is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is full of debris, meteorites, meteors, asteroids, and dust. It's all the leftovers settling from our Galaxies birth.

The Earth and our Solar System are passing through this belt in 2012.

Proof: Why is our Government blocking out coordinates 5h 53M 27s -6 10′ 58 from Google Sky?

Ice cores taken from Antarctica and Greenland show recurring dust levels at precise cyclical intervals throughout history.

The South Pole Telescope (SPT) has photos of incoming Planet X (Wormwood).
During these interval's extinctions or gaps in Earth’s history have occurred. Ancient cities (Atlantis) off our coast lines have been lost in these cycles, swallowed by the sea.

There were ancient cataclysms in the past. Are we too naive to know that history repeats itself?

Our Galaxy has magnetic North and South Poles, which means when we cross the Equator of our Galaxy, the Earth will have a physical Geological Pole Shift. Mega earthquakes are expected at the least. The debris, meteorites, meteors, asteroids, and dust may bombard us as well. Every Galaxy has a debris black belt like ours at their equators."

I'm back. After you read this a couple of times, I hope you get the jest that Planet X is entering our solar system, flying by in June 2012, and generally make a mess of our planet by December 2012. Most ancient cultures believe it.  Do you?

I guess we will see in 14 months...


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