Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goodbye 2011...Glad You Couldn't Stay any Longer...Hello 2012!

As the year winds down in a couple days, I can't help but make my own list of events that moved the world or just me in 2011. Can't say I'm sad to see 2011 go, and 2012 looks real good, right now.

My points are here and in no particular order but rather just a rambling list:
  • We learned the term 'Arab Spring' where all sorts of Arabic dictators were swept out of power, only for the Arab people to realize afterwards that they didn't know what to do next.
  • Bin laden & Gadhafi, among others, finally got to meet their makers.
  • US Forces are the best there ever was.
  • The last Space Shuttle flew and landed.
  • "Things are getting better, you just can't see it or feel it," said the Naked Emperor.
  • Andy Rooney died, and will be sorely missed. I wish I knew how to complain like he did.
  • One of the biggest earthquakes and subsequent tsunami's hit northern Japan, killing 16,000 and melting down 4 nuclear reactors.
  • The NBA season was delayed. Nobody noticed.
  • I joined the 30% of the US population and got a real smart phone, a computer, not just a dumb phone that gets email, after I learned Blackberry has two years left to live.
  • 9/11 was remembered as 10 years had passed. We realized just how quickly America forgets...
  • Budget cuts are over a 10 to 20 year period, so they really don't cut anything.
  • The Cards win the series, the Cards win the series! It may have been one of the best post season runs -ever.
  • Interest rates got lower. So did home prices.
  • The 99%'ers showed up and said we are tired of the 1%'ers walking all over us.
  • Everyone took a shot at running for President as a Republican.
  • We learned Obama doesnt have a 'real' birth certificate, and all politicians don't have 'real' morals, memories, attention spans or ethics for that matter.
  • Politicians look the same in prison as they do in office.
  • Wall Streeters don't get prosecuted, they just skip one year of bonuses, then back to the status quo.
  • The Fed printed money without limit only to tighten lending further so it can't be given out.
  • Tweeting can be dangerous, especially for movie stars, politicians, and drunk people.
  • Obama added $4 Trillion dollars to our national debt in 3 years, a feat that took Bush 8 years to do.
  • 80% feel that government is broken in one way or another.
  • Unemployment hovers somewhere between 8% and 16% depending on how they cook the numbers. Sorta like re-baking the bread after it has already been sliced.
  • Charlie Sheen spent the year winning...
  • Stimulus Spending has admittedly now done nothing but paid off political favors and raised the debt. 
  • Lot's of movie stars got divorced, replenishing the movie star heard for the picking.
  • The apocolypse didnt come, as we all know that's in 2012...
  • That 2012 will be better than 2011...Happy New Years.

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